Gut flora dictates how much weight we can lose

Danish researchers show that the proportion of certain bacteria in our guts influences how much weight we can lose and under what circumstances.

Vitamin D levels can be compared across studies and countries

Knowledge about the vitamin D level of a population is important in order to assess the proportion that is vitamin D deficient or is at risk of becoming deficient, and to develop food strategies that…

Semi-veggie diet effectively lowers heart disease, stroke risk

A pro-vegetarian diet – one that has a higher proportion of plant-based foods compared to animal-based foods is linked to lower risks of dying from heart disease and stroke, according to new research…

Men’s diets are related to local offerings, unlike women’s

Canadian men’s eating habits are associated with the availability of healthy food sources in their residential neighborhood but women’s are not, according to researchers. Why men and not women? “This may be because women, who are in general more nutritionally knowledgeable, may engage in different food shopping strategies than men, and rely on other aspects of the food environment than the proportion of food stores locally available,” suggested the study’s leader

Fatty acid composition in blood reflects quality of dietary carbohydrates in children

Fatty acid composition in blood is not only a biomarker for the quality of dietary fat, but also reflects the quality of dietary carbohydrates, new research shows. This study showed that a higher consumption of candy and a lower consumption of high-fibre grain products were associated with a higher proportion of oleic acid in blood.