Research ushers in new era of boutique chocolate

A team of Belgian researchers has shown that the yeasts used to ferment cocoa during chocolate production can modify the aroma of the resulting chocolate.

Sugar Consumption Linked To Diabetes, Independent Of Other Factors

Does eating too much sugar cause diabetes? For years, scientists have said “not exactly.” Eating too much of any food, including sugar, can cause you to gain weight; it’s the resulting obesity that predisposes people to diabetes, according to the prevailing theory

Component In Olive Oil Alleviates Intestinal Ischemia And Reperfusion

Here’s another reason why you should include olive oil in your diet: A new research report published in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology suggests that at least one compound in olive oil significantly reduces intestinal ischemia (restricted blood supply) and the resulting reperfusion injury (tissue damage caused when blood supply returns)…

Gazpacho ingredients lose vitamin C during preparation

In summer, more dishes like gazpacho –- a cold soup containing raw vegetables, bread, olive oil and vinegar –- are consumed. A new study has revealed that ingredients’ vitamin C content as well as other organic acids is lower in the resulting mixture, meaning that it should be eaten immediately after preparation.

Olive Oil Protects Liver

Extra-virgin olive oil can protect the liver from oxidative stress. Researchers writing in BioMed Central’s open access journal Nutrition and Metabolism exposed rats to a moderately toxic herbicide known to deplete antioxidants and cause oxidative stress, finding that those rats fed on a diet containing the olive oil were partially protected from the resulting liver damage…