Could a broccoli sprout extract help treat schizophrenia?

A compound present in broccoli sprouts could change a chemical imbalance that characterizes the brains of people with schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia: Could lack of nutrients in pregnancy be a cause?

Using mice, scientists identify a mechanism that links lack of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in pregnancy to schizophrenia-like symptoms in offspring.

B vitamins may improve schizophrenia symptoms

The first meta-analysis of its kind reviews data from 18 clinical trials to conclude that B vitamins have a positive effect on schizophrenia symptoms.

Study shows low vitamin D levels are associated with increased negative and depressive symptoms in psychotic disorders

New research presented at this year’s International Early Psychosis Association (IEPA) meeting in Milan, Italy (20-22 October) shows that low vitamin D status is associated with increased negative…

Could vitamin D deficiency increase the risk of schizophrenia?

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to numerous health problems. Now, a new study suggests that people who are vitamin D deficient may be more likely to develop schizophrenia.

Potential Schizophrenia Prevention Through Choline Supplementation During Pregnancy

Choline, an essential nutrient similar to the B vitamin and found in foods such as liver, muscle meats, fish, nuts and eggs, when given as a dietary supplement in the last two trimesters of pregnancy and in early infancy, is showing a lower rate of physiological schizophrenic risk factors in infants 33 days old…