Daily consumption of sodas, fruit juices and artificially sweetened sodas affect brain

Data from the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) has shown that people who more frequently consume sugary beverages such as sodas and fruit juices are more likely to have poorer memory, smaller overall…

Men Who Consume Sugar-Sweetened Drinks At Increased Risk Of Heart Disease

Men who drank a 12-ounce sugar-sweetened beverage a day had a 20 percent higher risk of heart disease compared to men who didn’t drink any sugar-sweetened drinks, according to research published in Circulation, an American Heart Association journal. “This study adds to the growing evidence that sugary beverages are detrimental to cardiovascular health,” said Frank B. Hu, M.D., Ph.D…

American Heart Association CEO Nancy Brown Says CDC Report On Children’s Food Environment Underscores Need For Strong Public Policies

Our nation’s youth face major roadblocks to good health with easy access to calorie-laden snacks, sugary beverages and other unhealthy foods in their schools and communities.