What is the best time to take vitamins?

Vitamins and nutrients are essential to good health, but what is the best time to take dietary supplements? We answer the question here.

Why antioxidants may actually do more harm than good

For decades, health-conscious people around the globe have taken antioxidant supplements and eaten foods rich in antioxidants, figuring this was one of the paths to good health and a long life.

Western Style Diet Consumed In UK May Lead To Greater Risk Of Premature Death

Data from a new study of British adults suggest that adherence to a “Western-style” diet (fried and sweet food, processed and red meat, refined grains, and high-fat dairy products) reduces a person’s likelihood of achieving older ages in good health and with higher functionality. Study results appear in the May issue of The American Journal of Medicine…

More Healthful Foods To Nourish The Non-Human You?

The focus of nutrition for good health is quietly shifting to include consumption of food ingredients specifically designed to nourish the non-human cells that comprise 80 percent of the cells in the typical person, an authority on the topic said. Speaking at the 244th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society, the world’s largest scientific society, Robert Rastall, Ph.D…

American Heart Association CEO Nancy Brown Says CDC Report On Children’s Food Environment Underscores Need For Strong Public Policies

Our nation’s youth face major roadblocks to good health with easy access to calorie-laden snacks, sugary beverages and other unhealthy foods in their schools and communities.