What is explosive diarrhea?

Explosive diarrhea is a forceful form of loose or liquid stool.

What to do about pimples on the breasts

Pimples can occur anywhere on the body, including the breasts. They are usually harmless, but they may be annoying or embarrassing. Here, learn about the factors that can cause acne on the breasts, such as the diet, stress levels, and hormonal fluctuations

Malnutrition Kills Over 3 Million Children Annually Worldwide

More than 3 million children die each year because of malnutrition, accounting for more than fifty percent of deaths among those under the age of 5, according a new report published in the Lancet. A team of experts analyzed the true extent of global malnutrition, as well as the factors that cause it, to develop a new framework for prevention and treatment…

Measures Developed To Prevent Health Problems Associated With Biogenic Amines In Wine

Biogenic amines may be one of the factors responsible for symptoms such as headaches, gastro-intestinal disorders, shortness of breath, fall in blood pressure, and even unconsciousness and cardiac arrhythmia in severe cases.

News Outlets Examine Potential Implications Of Record High Food Price Levels

Though world food prices “jumped to a record high” in the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) latest index, the agency “is drawing comfort from the absence of widespread riots, usually the defining element of a food crisis,” the Financial Times reports looking at the factors that have led some food prices to rise significantly without sparking international panic…