Some keto diets may exacerbate skin inflammation

A study in mouse models with psoriasis-like skin inflammation suggests that ketogenic diets with a very high fat content may exacerbate skin problems.

Are crickets and other creepy crawlies the new superfood?

Researchers now show that crickets and other insects pack a very high antioxidant content, which could make them top contenders as super-nutritious foods.

Low protein diets may improve blood sugar regulation in obesity

Diets that are very high in protein are linked to an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes, and high protein levels have been correlated to poor insulin regulation.

How Animals Taste, And Avoid, High Salt Concentrations Has Implications For Humans

For consumers of the typical Western diet – laden with levels of salt detrimental to long-term health – it may be hard to believe that there is such a thing as an innate aversion to very high concentrations of salt…

High Rate Of Hospitalization In Homeless People Without Enough To Eat

Homeless people who do not get enough to eat use hospitals and emergency rooms at very high rates, according to a new study. One in four respondents to a nationwide survey reported not getting enough to eat, a proportion six times higher than in the general population, and more than two thirds of those had recently gone without eating for a whole day…