Red is good. The brain uses color to help us choose what to eat

Red means “Green light, go for it!” Green means: “hmm, better not!” Like an upside down traffic light in our brain, color helps us decide whether or not to eat something.

The value of vitamin, mineral supplements: the debate is far from over

Researchers from the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University and three other institutions have taken issue with recent claims that “the case is closed” on whether or not a…

Parent’s Controlling Teenage Food Intake Linked To Weight Status

An overwhelming number of parents (up to 66%) are controlling and pressuring their teenagers to eat all the food on their plate, regardless of whether or not the teen is obese, according to a new study, published in Pediatrics…

Study Of Selenium Metabolism

Spanish and Danish researchers have developed a method for the in vivo study of the unknown metabolism of selenium, an essential element for living beings. The technique can help clarify whether or not it possesses the anti-tumour properties that have been attributed to it and yet have not been verified through clinical trials…

Trial Treats Prostate Cancer With Diet

The vegetables most boys wanted to avoid in childhood – such as kale and broccoli – just may be the answer to staving off prostate cancer growth in adulthood. A new clinical trial at UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center will evaluate whether or not a change in diet, reinforced with telephone counseling and exercise, can stop or delay the progression of prostate cancer…

Breast Cancer Risk Significantly Lower With Exercise, Body Weight Control And Drinking Less Alcohol

Regardless of whether or not you have a family history of breast cancer, your risk of developing the disease can be reduced considerably if you do exercise regularly, keep your body weight as near as possible to the ideal for your height and age, and consume less alcohol, say researchers from the University of Rochester Medical Center, New York, USA, who carried out a study inv…

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