Organic tomatoes contain higher levels of antioxidants than conventional tomatoes, study suggests

Organic tomatoes contain higher levels of phenolic compounds than conventional tomatoes, according to new research.

Consuming Fast Food Increases Risk Of Diabetes And Heart Disease In Singapore

The dangers of fast food are well documented; the portions are often larger and the food is generally high in calories and low in nutrients. Now, University of Minnesota School of Public Health researchers have examined the eating habits of residents in Singapore and found new evidence that a diet heavy in fast food increases the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease…

Honey Bees Reveal Link Between Sugar Sensitivity And Metabolic Disorders

Scientists studying the genetics of honey bees found they reveal some insights into the link between sugar sensitivity, diabetic physiology and carbohydrate metabolism that may also be relevant to humans…

Caloric Restriction Plus Physical Activity For Longevity

Fruit flies on dietary restriction (DR) need to be physically active in order to get the lifespan extending benefits that come from their Spartan diet. If the same axiom holds true in humans, those practicing caloric restriction in hopes of living longer need to make sure they eat enough to avoid fatigue…

Link Between Caffeinated Coffee Consumption And Reduced Risk Of Most Common Form Of Skin Cancer

Increasing the number of cups of caffeinated coffee you drink could lower your risk of developing the most common form of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma, according to a study published in Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research…