Breastfeeding All Newborns Could Save 830,000 Lives A Year

If all mothers breastfed their newborns straight away after they were born, about 830,000 lives annually would be saved, says Save the Children in a new report.

Mismatch Between Sun Exposure In Modern Life And Skin Pigmentation

As people move more often and become more urbanized, skin color — an adaptation that took hundreds of thousands of years to develop in humans — may lose some of its evolutionary advantage, according to a Penn State anthropologist…

Caffeine During Pregnancy Associated With Low Birth Weight Babies

Caffeine consumption during pregnancy is linked to low birth weight babies as well as an overall increase in the length of gestation, reveals new research published in the journal BMC Medicine…

Tool Tested For Screening Cancer Patients For Malnutrition

Considering the many things a cancer patient has to think about, it’s easy to understand why maintaining proper nutrition may not be top of the list. This can be true, too, at busy outpatient settings where it’s often difficult to find the time and resources to test cancer patients for malnutrition. However, researchers at St…