Yo-yo dieting may increase risk of heart disease death

New research suggests that repeatedly losing weight and regaining it can be dangerous for your heart, even if you are not overweight.

Nutrition protects against the impact of stress on the brain in early life

Young mice that grow up in stressful circumstances go on to have fewer cognitive-impairments and memory problems as adults if they are given enriched breast milk.

Red is good. The brain uses color to help us choose what to eat

Red means “Green light, go for it!” Green means: “hmm, better not!” Like an upside down traffic light in our brain, color helps us decide whether or not to eat something.

Skipping breakfast and not enough sleep can make children overweight

Mothers smoking in pregnancy, children skipping breakfast and not having a regular bedtime or sufficient sleep all appear to be important factors in predicting whether a child will become overweight…