Wet farts (watery flatulence): Causes and prevention

Watery flatulence is when liquid passes out with gas when someone farts. We explore what causes wet farts, including digestive issues and food intolerances, plus we discuss how to prevent watery farts.

What are the best yogurts for diabetes?

Research suggests that probiotic yogurt may be beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes.

What happens when you take too much vitamin C?

Vitamin C is usually safe to take even at high dosages.

Just 2 glasses of soft drinks daily tied to higher death risk

A study of nearly 452,000 people ties higher soft drinks consumption — including of those artificially and sugar sweetened — to raised risk of early death.

Long-term benefits of a low-fat diet

Researchers have identified several women’s health benefits from a low-fat diet. The findings found a low-fat diet commensurate with an increase in fruit, vegetable and grain servings reduced death following breast cancer, slowed diabetes progression and prevented coronary heart disease.