Early probiotic use may be associated with decreased risk of islet autoimmunity in children at risk for type 1 diabetes

Probiotic exposure during the first 27 days of an infant’s life may be associated with reduced risk of islet autoimmunity among children at increased genetic risk for type 1 diabetes, although…

CDC publishes first national study on use of behavioral therapy, medication and dietary supplements for ADHD in children

The first national study to look at behavioral therapy, medication, and dietary supplements to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among children ages 4-17 shows that less than…

Examining Caffeine’s Effect On Cognitive Tasks, Food Pairing

Does caffeine intake affect liking of foods? Since 1977, there has been a 70% increase in caffeine consumption among children and adolescents. Whether it is coffee, tea, soda, or energy drinks, our children are consuming more of it.

Examining Caffeine’s Effect On Cognitive Tasks, Food Pairing

Does caffeine intake affect liking of foods? Since 1977, there has been a 70% increase in caffeine consumption among children and adolescents. Whether it is coffee, tea, soda, or energy drinks, our children are consuming more of it.

Fast food diet linked to asthma and eczema severity in kids, large study finds

Eating three or more weekly servings of fast food is linked to the severity of allergic asthma, eczema, and rhinitis among children in the developed world, indicates a large international study.

Milk Consumption By Children Declining But Sugar-Sweetened Drinks Not The Cause

National data indicate that milk consumption has declined among children while consumption of sweetened beverages of low nutritional quality has more than doubled…

Encouraging Healthy Eating To Avoid Childhood Obesity

Obesity among children has long been a rising problem in large parts of the world. Parents play a crucial role in shaping good childhood eating habits, according to new research from the University of Stavanger…

Bitter Sensitive Children Could Eat More Vegetables With Help Of Dip

There’s an existential crisis that often happens at dinner tables across the country: why won’t kids eat their vegetables?

Healthy Living Habits In Alberta’s Schools Supported By $20 Million Gift

Improved nutritional habits, increased physical activity levels and a reduction in obesity levels among children from APPLE Schools persuaded University of Alberta alumnus to give again The University of Alberta is expanding a program aimed at reversing poor health trends among Alberta children, thanks to a $20 million gift from a U of A alumnus…