Studies Link Caffeinated Coffee Consumption To Significantly Lower Risk Of Death From Some Oral Cancers

A new American Cancer Society study finds a strong inverse association between caffeinated coffee intake and oral/pharyngeal cancer mortality. The authors say people who drank more than four cups of caffeinated coffee per day were at about half the risk of death of these often fatal cancers compared to those who only occasionally or who never drank coffee…

Vitamin E Supplements Raise Risk Of Prostate Cancer

Men who regularly take vitamin E supplements eventually have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer, compared to other men of the same age and overall health who don’t, researchers from the Cleveland Clinic reported in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association). The authors say their findings clash with what most people would have expected…

Eating Before Swimming May Be Dangerous, After All

It appears that people who go swimming on a full stomach really do have a higher risk of drowning, researchers reported in Medicine, Science and the Law.