Study: Small urban corner stores offer increased healthy food options

Federal food policy changes led to increased availability of healthy foods at smaller urban corner stores in Baltimore, new Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health research suggests.

Offering healthier options at carryout stores improves bottom line

Small pilot program suggests selling nutritious foods can boost revenue, not just healthA pilot program designed to encourage mom and pop carryout shops in Baltimore to promote and sell healthier…

Bulging bellies and phosphorus linked to kidney disease

Losing belly fat and cutting down on processed, phosphorus-laden foods may help reduce the risk of kidney disease, claim researchers from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. Previous studies have shown that it is not just how much fat you have, but where it is on your body that increases the risk of certain diseases…

Pediatricians Find Increase In SNAP Benefits Associated With Healthier Children

Pediatric researchers from Boston Medical Center (BMC), in partnership with Children’s HealthWatch investigators in Boston, Minneapolis, Little Rock, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, have found that higher benefit amounts in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps) protected the health and well-being of very young, low-income children duri…

A Hunger For Health: Hopkins Nurses Promote Good Eating Habits

When Johns Hopkins nursing students aren’t hitting the books or practicing clinical skills, they’re promoting healthy diet and lifestyles in Baltimore’s vulnerable communities. These students are cooking up some fun with local residents with support from Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association grants…