Study finds 275,000 calls to poison control centers for dietary supplement exposures

U.S. Poison Control Centers receive a call every 24 minutes, on average, regarding dietary supplement exposures, according to a new study from the Center for Injury Research and Policy and the…

Watermelon Can Improve Heart Health While Controlling Weight Gain

Although apples are the most commonly known fruit to give people great health benefits, a new study has found that eating watermelon can play a significant role in cardiovascular health. According to research from Purdue University and University of Kentucky, mice that were given a diet which included watermelon juice received considerable benefits when compared to the control group…

Zinc Prevents Diabetes Damage

In type 2 diabetes, a protein called amylin forms dense clumps that shut down insulin-producing cells, wreaking havoc on the control of blood sugar. But zinc has a knack for preventing amylin from misbehaving