Following dietary recommendations leads to modest heart health improvements

Following current dietary recommendations may lead to small improvements in overall heart health in overweight individuals, according to a study published in the Journal of the American College of…

Elderly women may benefit from higher amounts of protein

Elderly women could benefit from consuming 29 percent more protein than the current nutrition guidelines recommend, according to new research from Purdue University.”Our data suggests that the current dietary protein requirement estimate may be too low and reinforces that more research is needed to identify accurate protein amounts for older adults,” said nutrition science professor Wayne W.

Low saturated fat diets don’t curb heart disease risk or help you live longer

Diets low in saturated fat don’t curb heart disease risk or help you live longer, says a leading US cardiovascular research scientist. And current dietary advice to replace saturated fats with carbohydrates or omega 6-rich polyunsaturated fats is based on flawed and incomplete data from the 1950s, argues the author.