Most Americans don’t get the daily recommended amount of fiber in their diet

Most Americans don’t get the daily recommended amount of fiber in their diet, though research has shown that dietary fiber can cause a shift in the gut toward beneficial bacteria, reducing the risk…

Shift in gut bacteria observed in fiber supplement study may offer good news for weight loss

Most Americans don’t get the daily recommended amount of fiber in their diet, though research has shown that dietary fiber can cause a shift in the gut toward beneficial bacteria, reducing the risk…

Insufficient Fruits And Vegetables Consumed By Canadians

Adults from 30 to 60 years old, especially those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, aren’t consuming the daily recommended levels of fruits and vegetables.

An apple a day isn’t enough: Many people not eating enough fruits and vegetables

Adults from 30 to 60 years old, especially those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, aren’t consuming the daily recommended levels of fruits and vegetables.

Caltrate® Soft Chews Offer A New And Delicious Way To Help Americans Reach Their Recommended Daily Calcium And Vitamin D Intake

On the heels of the Institute of Medicine increasing the daily recommended intake of vitamin D to maintain bone health, Americans may be left wondering how to meet the new guidelines…