The impact of artificial sweeteners: the debate continues

New research from the University of Adelaide has added to the debate about how our bodies respond to artificial sweeteners and whether they are good, bad or have no effect on us.

Optimum Vitamin D Blood Level For Reducing Major Medical Risks In Older Adults

In testing older patients’ blood vitamin D levels, there’s uncertainty about where the dividing line falls between enough and not enough. The threshold amount has become controversial as several scientific societies set different targets

Obesity And Diabetes Rates Continue To Rise Despite Decline In Consumption Of Sweeteners

A comprehensive review of research focusing on the debate between High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and other sweeteners presented May 24th finds there is no evidence of any significant variation in the way the human body metabolizes HFCS as opposed to standard table sugar, or any difference in impact on risk factors for chronic disease. James M…