What are monk fruit and stevia?

Monk fruit and stevia are natural, plant-based sweeteners. The products tend to contain few, if any, calories, carbohydrates, and sugars, and people use them as alternatives to sugar, honey, and other sweeteners. Here, we describe what monk fruit and stevia are and how to choose between them.

Coconut palm sugar: Can people with diabetes eat it?

Coconut palm sugar has a rich caramel colour, tastes like brown sugar, and has less fructose than other sweeteners. Is it safe for people wth diabetes?

Obesity And Diabetes Rates Continue To Rise Despite Decline In Consumption Of Sweeteners

A comprehensive review of research focusing on the debate between High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and other sweeteners presented May 24th finds there is no evidence of any significant variation in the way the human body metabolizes HFCS as opposed to standard table sugar, or any difference in impact on risk factors for chronic disease. James M…