Eating out increases exposure to ‘hormone disrupters’

A new study finds that eating at restaurants might increase our exposure to phthalates. Perhaps you should stay home and cook dinner, after all.

Exposure to low-level arsenic in the womb revealed by infant toenails

Infant toenails are a reliable way to estimate arsenic exposure before birth, a Dartmouth College study shows.The findings appear in the Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology.

Increased TV Exposure Associated With Higher Consumption Of Sweetened Beverages Among Children

More time in front of the TV set and higher exposure to TV adverts may lead to increased consumption of sweetened beverages among children. This is the conclusion of a new study from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Vitamin C May Be Beneficial For Asthmatic Children

Depending on the age of asthmatic children, on their exposure to molds or dampness in their bedroom, and on the severity of their asthma, vitamin C has greater or smaller beneficial effect against asthma, according to a study published in the Clinical and Translational Allergy…

Fitness= Nutrition + Exercise

The foods we eat, the activities we do everyday and our exposure to harmful chemicals (pollution) in the environment affects us physiologically which soon if not given proper attention will take a toll on our functionality to every task …