Vitamin D supplements may reduce asthma severity

A review of randomized controlled studies suggests that vitamin D supplementation, when combined with standard medication, may reduce asthma severity.

Asthma symptoms can be improved by diet and exercise in non-obese patients

Non-obese people with asthma could reduce their symptoms and improve their quality of life through diet and exercise, according to research presented at the European Respiratory Society International…

Seven home remedies for shortness of breath

What causes shortness of breath and how can this problem be treated at home?Also learn about lifestyle changes that may help manage shortness of breath.

Maternal sugar intake linked to allergic asthma in offspring

New research examines the link between maternal intake of sugar during pregnancy and the risk of the offspring developing allergies and allergic asthma.

New evidence that vitamin D prevents respiratory infections

Whether vitamin D supplements reduce the risk of acute respiratory infections is a hotly debated topic. A new meta-analysis swings in vitamin D’s favor.

Evidence points to fish oil to fight asthma

University of Rochester Medical Center scientists have discovered new essential information about omega 3 fatty acids contained in fish oil and how they could be used for asthma patients.

Vitamin D supplements may lower risk of severe asthma attacks

A new Cochrane Review suggests vitamin D supplementation – alongside standard treatment – could reduce the likelihood of severe asthma attacks.

Prebiotics could help treat exercise-induced asthma

A prebiotic called B-GOS improved lung function and reduced blood markers of airway inflammation in people with exercise-induced asthma, say researchers.

Clasado’s Bimuno (B-GOS) demonstrates significant efficacy in the reduction of exercise-induced asthma in clinical study

Clasado Biosciences Limited, the producers and suppliers of Bimuno(R) (B-GOS), a unique patented trans-galactooligosaccharide complex, has announced the publication of results for the latest…

Asthma-free? Maybe Mom experienced a sunny second trimester

The best way to reduce a child’s chances of developing asthma might be making sure Mom had enough vitamin D during the second trimester, a new study from the University of Kansas shows.

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