Maternal sugar intake linked to allergic asthma in offspring

New research examines the link between maternal intake of sugar during pregnancy and the risk of the offspring developing allergies and allergic asthma.

Common antioxidant may guard against liver disease

A common antioxidant found in human breast milk and foods like kiwi fruit can protect against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in the offspring of obese mice.

When food alters gene function

As the study shows, a high-fat diet during pregnancy and lactation leads to epigenetic* changes in the offspring.

Could a maternal gluten-free diet protect offspring against type 1 diabetes?

Researchers found that a maternal gluten-free diet changed the intestinal bacteria of mice and their offspring, which appeared to protect mouse pups against type 1 diabetes.

You are what your father eats

Mothers get all the attention. But a study suggests that the father’s diet before conception may play an equally important role in the health of their offspring.

You are what your father eats: Father’s diet before conception plays crucial role in offspring’s health, study suggests

Mothers get all the attention. But a study suggests that the father’s diet before conception may play an equally important role in the health of their offspring.

Low folate in male diet linked to risk of offspring birth defects

Previous research has shown that what mothers eat during pregnancy affects the health of their offspring. But now, a new study suggests that a father’s diet prior to conception could also play an important role in their child’s health, particularly when it comes to consumption of folate.

Diet May Induce Epigenetic Changes In Women Before Pregnancy That Are Inherited By Offspring

Everyone knows that what mom eats when pregnant makes a huge difference in the health of her child. Now, new research in mice suggests that what she ate before pregnancy might be important too

Mother’s Diet Before Pregnancy Can Change Gene Function In Offspring

It has long been known that nutrition during pregnancy affects the well-being of her child, but a new study suggests that what a woman eats before she becomes pregnant might also play a significant role. Published in The FASEB Journal, a study conducted with mice, has found that diet prior to pregnancy chemically alters the mother’s DNA and passes these changes along to their offspring…

Children On Low-Protein Diet Predisposed To Hypertension In Adulthood

Studies have shown that the offspring of mothers on a low-protein diet are more likely to develop hypertension as adults.

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