A mother’s diet before conception can permanently affect how her child’s genes function

Mother’s diet affects the ‘silencing’ of her child’s genes, according to a study published in Nature Communications.

May 1, 2014 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , , ,

Mother’s Diet Before Pregnancy Can Change Gene Function In Offspring

It has long been known that nutrition during pregnancy affects the well-being of her child, but a new study suggests that what a woman eats before she becomes pregnant might also play a significant role. Published in The FASEB Journal, a study conducted with mice, has found that diet prior to pregnancy chemically alters the mother’s DNA and passes these changes along to their offspring…

Mothers’ diets have biggest influence on children eating healthy, study suggests

As health professionals search for ways to combat the rise in obesity and promote healthy eating, new research reveals a mother’s own eating habits — and whether she views her child as a “picky eater” — has a huge impact on whether her child consumes enough fruits and vegetables.