Modest changes in military dining facilities promoted healthier eating

The prevalence of obesity within the military is currently 13 percent. This rising epidemic, also rampant throughout the general population, could result in military career setbacks, negatively impact operational readiness, and jeopardize Department of Defense operations. To combat the epidemic, a team of researchers chose the military cafeteria as the venue to observe and evaluate eating behavior and the positive impact of modest changes to promote healthy eating and food selection.

International Health Study Finds Danes Top For Healthy Eating

Danish consumers are attracting attention in a new international study on healthy eating. More than 3,000 consumers from five European countries were asked whether they are willing to accept national economic interventions to promote healthy eating habits…

Do EU-Funded Diet Projects Work?

An EU (FP7) funded project called EATWELL (Interventions to Promote Healthy Eating Habits: Evaluation and Recommendations) aims to overcome unhealthy diets, one of the biggest public health challenges of the 21st century. To encourage people to be more physically active and eat healthier diets, E.U…

How Do Europeans React At Being Told What To Eat?

As part of the larger EATWELL Project, which is focused on effective policy interventions to promote healthy nutrition for all in the EU, the EATWELL survey is an international study based on random samples of more than 3,000 computer-aided web interviews that assessed public acceptance of nutrition policies in the UK, Italy, Belgium, Denmark and Poland depending on age, econom…

In Order To Curb Obesity In Infants, Toddlers And Preschoolers, Policies That Promote Healthy Eating, Activity And Sleep Are Needed

Limiting television and other media use, encouraging infants and young children in preschool and child care to spend more time in physically active play, and requiring child care providers to promote healthy sleeping practices are some of the actions needed to curb high rates of obesity among America’s youngest children, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine…

A Child’s Healthy Eating Largely Influenced By The Mother’s Diet

As health professionals search for ways to combat the rise in obesity and promote healthy eating, new research reveals a mother’s own eating habits – and whether she views her child as a ‘picky eater’ – has a huge impact on whether her child consumes enough fruits and vegetables…

Mothers’ diets have biggest influence on children eating healthy, study suggests

As health professionals search for ways to combat the rise in obesity and promote healthy eating, new research reveals a mother’s own eating habits — and whether she views her child as a “picky eater” — has a huge impact on whether her child consumes enough fruits and vegetables.

Children’s vegetable intake linked to Popeye cartoons

Popeye cartoons, tasting parties and junior cooking classes can help increase vegetable intake in kindergarten children, according to new research. Researchers in Thailand found the type and amount of vegetables children ate improved after they took part in a program using multimedia and role models to promote healthy food.