Modest changes in military dining facilities promoted healthier eating

The prevalence of obesity within the military is currently 13 percent. This rising epidemic, also rampant throughout the general population, could result in military career setbacks, negatively impact operational readiness, and jeopardize Department of Defense operations. To combat the epidemic, a team of researchers chose the military cafeteria as the venue to observe and evaluate eating behavior and the positive impact of modest changes to promote healthy eating and food selection.

Positive Impact On Metabolic Syndrome And Satiety Offered By Eggs

At Experimental Biology (EB) 2012 in San Diego, experts convened to discuss the latest science in a variety of health and disease-related areas, including nutrition. Research on whole egg consumption in individuals with metabolic syndrome as well as the positive effects of a higher-protein breakfast is further revealing the potential benefits of including eggs in the diet…

Widespread Ignorance About Key Messages Concerning Diet And Cancer

New research on public perceptions about cancer reveals that 50-year-old ideas still hold sway while many current lifestyle messages are not getting through. On the positive side, however, the vast majority of people now believe cancer is curable…

Progression Of Clogged Arteries Reduced By Soy Proetein In Women Within 5 Years Of Menopause

A new study published in the November 2011 issue of Stroke reveals some promising data on the positive effects of soy protein reducing the progression of clogged arteries in women who were within five years of menopause…