Enhanced emotional awareness promotes healthier eating

As obesity rates rise, health professionals and policy makers scramble to help consumers resist unhealthy eating choices, often focusing on better labeling and improved nutritional knowledge.

A diet low in saturated fat ‘will not prevent heart disease or prolong life’

Eating foods that contain saturated fat is thought to increase blood cholesterol levels, which can increase the risk of heart disease. As a result, health professionals recommend following a diet low in saturated fat to reduce this risk.

High School Students Graduating To Be Tomorrow’s Cancer And Cardiovascular Patients, Australia

Results of a national diet and physical activity survey of high school students, released today (9 Feb), will ring alarm bells among educators, health professionals and parents…

Population-wide Reduction In Salt Consumption Recommended

The American Heart Association issued a call to action for the public, health professionals, the food industry and the government to intensify efforts to reduce the amount of sodium (salt) Americans consume daily…

Mothers’ diets have biggest influence on children eating healthy, study suggests

As health professionals search for ways to combat the rise in obesity and promote healthy eating, new research reveals a mother’s own eating habits — and whether she views her child as a “picky eater” — has a huge impact on whether her child consumes enough fruits and vegetables.