Seaweed could potentially help fight food allergies

Seaweed has long been a staple food in many Asian countries and has recently caught on as a snack food in America as a healthful alternative to chips.

Improving eating habits can mean living better with heart failure

Diet can dramatically lower hypertension and improve heart function in patients with a common type of heart failure, according to research presented at today’s Heart Failure Society of America meeting in Orlando, Fla…

No Single Approach Will Solve America’s Obesity Epidemic

Placing healthier foods for sale nearer people’s home is a useful step towards making America a healthier nation, but the impact on overall eating habits, and ultimately the country’s obesity epidemic, is not significant…

Do Instinctive Salt Cravings Make You A Real Junkie?

Scientists have found that addictive drugs may take over the same nerve cells and connections in the brain that cause one’s chemistry to crave salt in their daily routines in a new study from down under Australia in association with America’s own Duke University. The study is the first of its kind to examine gene regulation in the hypothalamus for salt appetite…

In Order To Curb Obesity In Infants, Toddlers And Preschoolers, Policies That Promote Healthy Eating, Activity And Sleep Are Needed

Limiting television and other media use, encouraging infants and young children in preschool and child care to spend more time in physically active play, and requiring child care providers to promote healthy sleeping practices are some of the actions needed to curb high rates of obesity among America’s youngest children, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine…

Soda Consumption Down Among American High School Students

24% of US high school students drank at least one soda per day in 2010, compared to 29% in 2009; an indication that nutritional awareness among teenagers has improved considerably, a CDC report has revealed. Sugary beverages have long been associated with America’s high childhood obesity rate…

U.S. Call For Improved Nutrition And Physical Activity Supported By Gerontological Society of America

The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) – the nation’s largest interdisciplinary organization devoted to the field of aging – commends the federal government’s recent release of the “2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans” and particularly applauds its inclusion of specific advice for older adults. Because more than one-third of children and more than two-thirds of adults in the U.S…

Obesity Among American Kids Driven By Lifestyle, Not Genes

Obese children in America are much less physically active, consume larger quantities of food during school meals, and watch much more TV than their normal-weight schoolmates, researchers from the University of Michigan Medical School revealed in The American Heart Journal…

Let’s Get Sugary Drinks Off Food Stamps List, Say Mayor Bloomberg And Governor Paterson

As sugar-sweetened drinks are a major contributor towards America’s obesity epidemic, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Governor David Paterson have proposed to the Department of Agriculture that they be excluded from the list of products that can be purchased with food stamps, known as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)…