Seaweed could potentially help fight food allergies

Seaweed has long been a staple food in many Asian countries and has recently caught on as a snack food in America as a healthful alternative to chips.

Reducing waste while improving snack nutrition: Carrot pulp adds fiber, increases puffiness of snack foods

Your favorite puffed snack food may soon contain more fiber and nutrition, thanks to research from Washington State University food scientists.

Children who can identify unhealthy food logos are more likely to be overweight

The more a child is familiar with logos and other images from fast-food restaurants, sodas and not-so-healthy snack food brands, the more likely the child is to be overweight or obese.

Popcorn: The snack with even higher antioxidants levels than fruits and vegetables

Popcorn’s reputation as a snack food that’s actually good for health popped up a few notches today as scientists reported that it contains more of the healthful antioxidant substances called “polyphenols” than fruits and vegetables.