Why even slim people may benefit from calorie restriction

New research reveals the cardiometabolic benefits that a small reduction in calorie intake can have on people who are not overweight or obese.

Going vegan could prevent type 2 diabetes

Researchers have found that adopting a vegan diet has the potential to prevent type 2 diabetes in people who are overweight or obese.

School study proves obesity prevention can work

A unique approach to obesity prevention has helped schools in the ACT reduce the number of students who are overweight or obese, and even had a positive effect on mental health.

Study explains how western diet leads to overeating and obesity

More than two in three adults in the United States are considered overweight or obese, with substantial biomedical and clinical evidence suggesting that chronic overconsumption of a “western diet”…

Being overweight, obese linked to increased risk of eight more cancers

Excess weight may hold a greater cancer burden than we thought; researchers have linked being overweight or obese to an additional eight cancer types.

Peanuts, peanut butter may hold key to preventing obesity

Hispanic middle school children, at high risk for being overweight or obese, reduced their Body Mass Index (BMI) when they adhered to a nutrition intervention that included a snack of peanuts…

Being overweight or obese could cause around 700,000 new UK cancers by 2035

Almost 700,0001 new cases of cancer linked to being overweight or obese could be diagnosed in the UK during the next 20 years, according to a new report2 from Cancer Research UK and the UK Health…

Many overweight teenagers do not recognise they are too heavy

More than a third of overweight or obese teenagers don’t see themselves as being too heavy and think their weight is about right, according to a Cancer Research UK study published in the…

Higher vitamin D doses may be needed to restore healthy levels in overweight blacks

The current recommended minimum daily dose of vitamin D is not sufficient to restore healthy vitamin D levels in overweight or obese blacks, researchers report.

Over two-thirds of Americans estimated to be overweight, obese

New estimates suggest that more than two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese.

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