Why even slim people may benefit from calorie restriction

New research reveals the cardiometabolic benefits that a small reduction in calorie intake can have on people who are not overweight or obese.

Could pomegranates offer the key to new IBD treatments?

A compound derived from pomegranates and berries can have a protective role in inflammatory bowel disease. New research reveals the mechanism it accesses.

How coffee protects the brain

New research reveals what gives coffee its protective properties for brain health, and why it can help keep Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease at bay.

Melanoma: More evidence that antioxidants speed up tumor spread

New research reveals that antioxidants that bind to mitochondria — the main source of free radicals — either have no effect or cause tumors to grow faster.

Healthy diet may lower eye disease risk

An analysis of recent high-quality research reveals that diet may affect individuals’ risks related to the development and progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

How cinnamon can help you to burn holiday fat

New research reveals how the essential oil that gives cinnamon its unique flavor and smell makes fat cells burn energy instead of storing it.

Fruit juices and smoothies have ‘unacceptably high’ sugar content

Fruit juices and smoothies may contain more sugar than you expect. New research reveals that one juice may contain a child’s recommended sugar intake for a whole day.

Kids who eat a Mediterranean diet ‘15% less likely to be obese’

New research reveals that children who adhere to a Mediterranean diet are less likely to be overweight or obese, compared with kids with low adherence to the diet.

Dietary Nicotine In Peppers May Reduce Risk Of Developing Parkinson’s Disease

New research reveals that Solanaceae – a flowering plant family with some species producing foods that are edible sources of nicotine – may provide a protective effect against Parkinson’s disease…

Sugary Beverage Consumption Linked To 180,000 Deaths Per Year

New research reveals that drinking sugary soft drinks is responsible for close to 180,000 deaths worldwide every year. The finding comes from research presented at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2013 Scientific Sessions…