Does diet influence mental health? Assessing the evidence

How much do our diets influence our mental health?

Vegetarian diet more effective for weight loss and metabolism

Compared with a conventional diabetic diet, a plant-based vegetarian diet is much more effective for weight loss and improving metabolism, study shows.

New insight into similarity of complex brain networks in monkeys, humans

Monkeys that ate a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids had brains with highly connected and well organized neural networks – in some ways akin to the neural networks in healthy humans – while monkeys that ate a diet deficient in the fatty acids had much more limited brain networking, according to an Oregon Health & Science University study.

Vitamin D Levels Decrease During Winter Months In Women With Health Conditions

Women with health issues such as arthritis and diabetes are much more likely to have inadequate levels of vitamin D during the winter than in the summer, according to new research introduced at the 2012 American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Annual Meeting…

Understanding How Our Senses Of Taste And Smell Work

Researchers at Oregon State University have made some fundamental discoveries about how people taste, smell and detect flavor, and why they love some foods much more than others. The findings could lead to the Holy Grail of nutrition – helping people learn to really LIKE vegetables…

Obesity Among American Kids Driven By Lifestyle, Not Genes

Obese children in America are much less physically active, consume larger quantities of food during school meals, and watch much more TV than their normal-weight schoolmates, researchers from the University of Michigan Medical School revealed in The American Heart Journal…

Lack Of Sleep Can Make Dieters Lose Muscle Instead Of Fat

People who are on a low-calorie diet will lose the same amount of weight whether they sleep an average of 8.5 hours or 5.5 hours each night.

Lack Of Sleep Can Make Dieters Lose Muscle Instead Of Fat

People who are on a low-calorie diet will lose the same amount of weight whether they sleep an average of 8.5 hours or 5.5 hours each night. However, those on 8.5 hours will lose much more fat, while those on 5.5 hours lose mainly muscle, instead of fat, according to an article published in the peer-reviewed journal Annals of Internal Medicine…

Nutrition Vs. Diet: are You Getting the Nutrients Your Body Needs?

Today we hear the word diet much more than we hear the word nutrition . There are so many diets on the market that it’s easy to get lost in the fad and forget what nutrition truly is. There is the Atkins Diet , the Zone Diet , …