A2 milk: What you need to know

What is A2 milk?

How sweet can you get?

A sweeter version of a widely used plant-derived sweetener is on the way. Researchers have found a way to make thaumatin — one of the sweetest natural sugar substitutes on the market — even…

Potential for better-tasting reduced-fat desserts, dressings, sauces

Adjusting the calcium level and acidity could be the key to developing new better-tasting, more eye-appealing and creamier reduced-fat sauces, desserts and salad dressings that could be on the market soon, researchers report..

Those That Love Soda Have Worse Eating Habits Overall

We all know how important it is to control the sugar and carbohydrates in one’s diet, so we read food labels and labor over caloric intake and FDA recommended vitamin, sodium and trans fat levels.

FDA: Consumers Should Not Eat Sally Jackson Cheese Due To Risk Of Escherichia coli O157:H7

Fast Facts – Sally Jackson Cheese of Oroville, Wash., has agreed to voluntarily recall all of its cheeses. – All Sally Jackson cheeses on the market should be avoided because the products were processed under conditions that create a significant risk of contamination, and because Sally Jackson cheeses have been identified as one possible source of several cases of Escherichia coli (E…

Nutrition Vs. Diet: are You Getting the Nutrients Your Body Needs?

Today we hear the word diet much more than we hear the word nutrition . There are so many diets on the market that it’s easy to get lost in the fad and forget what nutrition truly is. There is the Atkins Diet , the Zone Diet , …