Allergic passengers beware: Nuts on a plane

Preparing for air travel can be highly challenging for nut-allergic passengers, a Short Reportpublished in the Medical Journal of Australia has found.

Very little evidence for cutting out certain carbs to ease irritable bowel

Value of FODMAP diet, developed in Australia to curb symptoms, questioned There is very little evidence to recommend avoiding certain types of dietary carbohydrate, known as the FODMAP diet…

Study Suggests Link Between Vitamin D Levels And Developing Tuberculosis

New research presented at this week’s Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID) in Canberra, Australia, suggests a link between vitamin D levels and the risk of developing tuberculosis (TB), with rates of TB incidence up to 37% higher following darker winter months than during the rest of the year…

Study Suggests Link Between Vitamin D Levels And Developing Tuberculosis

New research presented at this week’s Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID) in Canberra, Australia, suggests a link between vitamin D levels and the risk of developing tuberculosis (TB), with rates of TB incidence up to 37% higher following darker winter months than during the rest of the year…

Salty Food Raises Desire For Sugary Drinks Among Kids

Children who eat salty foods and snacks are more likely to seek out sugary drinks to wash them down, researchers from Deakin University, Burwood, Australia, reported in the journal Pediatrics. The authors added that this combination – salty foods with sugary drinks – can potentially raise the risk of obesity…

Fish Oils Do Not Reduce Gestational Diabetes And Preeclampsia Risk

Taking DHA-enriched fish oils during the second half of pregnancy does not lower the risk of developing preeclampsia or gestational diabetes, researchers from Adelaide University, Australia, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition…

Consumption Of Resistant Starch May Protect Against Bowel Cancer

Western diets are typically low in fibre and have been linked with a higher incidence of bowel cancer. Even though Australians eat more dietary fibre than many other western countries, bowel cancer is still the second most commonly reported cancer in Australia with 30 new cases diagnosed every day…

Different Fruits And Vegetables Affect Cancer Risk In Different Parts Of Bowel

Eating more apples is linked to lower risk of distal colon cancer, brassicas like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts are linked to lower risk of cancer in both the proximal and the distal colon, while on the other hand, drinking more fruit juice appears to raise the risk of rectal cancer, according to new research from Australia published in the October…

Do Instinctive Salt Cravings Make You A Real Junkie?

Scientists have found that addictive drugs may take over the same nerve cells and connections in the brain that cause one’s chemistry to crave salt in their daily routines in a new study from down under Australia in association with America’s own Duke University. The study is the first of its kind to examine gene regulation in the hypothalamus for salt appetite…

Too Much Coffee Can Make You Hear Things That Are Not There

High coffee intake can cause auditory hallucinations – hearing things that are not there – researchers from La Trobe University, Australia report in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, after measuring the effect of caffeine and stress with 92 non-clinical participants. Even five coffees per day can trigger this type of hallucination, they explained…

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