National school food policies have potential to improve health now and later

Providing free fruits and vegetables and limiting sugary drinks in schools could have positive health effects in both the short- and long-term, finds a new Food-PRICE study.

Vanderbilt-led study shows high-salt diet decreases thirst, increases hunger

When you eat salty food, you get thirsty and drink water. Right?

‘Medicinal food’ diet counters onset of type 1 diabetes

Monash University’s Biomedicine Discovery Institute researchers have led an international study that found – for the first time – that a diet yielding high amounts of the short-chain fatty acids…

Short-term, low-carb diets better for weight loss than low-fat diets

A new clinical review concludes that low-carb diets are safe and effective. Low-carb diets are more effective than low-fat diets in the short-term.

Allergic passengers beware: Nuts on a plane

Preparing for air travel can be highly challenging for nut-allergic passengers, a Short Reportpublished in the Medical Journal of Australia has found.

Omega-3 lowers childhood aggression in short term, Penn research shows

Incorporating omega-3, vitamins and mineral supplements into the diets of children with extreme aggression can reduce this problem behavior in the short term, especially its more impulsive, emotional…

To shed weight, go vegan

People on a vegetarian diet, and especially those following a vegan one that includes no animal products, see better results than dieters on other weight-reducing plans. In fact, they can lose around two kilograms more on the short term, say researchers after reviewing the results of twelve diet trials

Mother’s Milk Improves The Physical Condition Of Future Adolescents

Breast feeding new born babies has lots of advantages in the short and in the long-term for babies. A study has confirmed the recently discovered benefits, which had not been researched until now