Very little evidence for cutting out certain carbs to ease irritable bowel

Value of FODMAP diet, developed in Australia to curb symptoms, questioned There is very little evidence to recommend avoiding certain types of dietary carbohydrate, known as the FODMAP diet…

Paleo diet: Big brains needed carbs

The importance of dietary carbohydrate in human evolutionUnderstanding how and why we evolved such large brains is one of the most puzzling issues in the study of human evolution.

Low-glycemic index carbohydrate diet does not improve cardiovascular risk factors, insulin resistance

In a study that included overweight and obese participants, those with diets with low glycemic index of dietary carbohydrate did not have improvements in insulin sensitivity, lipid levels, or…

Low-glycemic index carbohydrate diet does not improve cv risk factors, insulin resistance

In a study that included overweight and obese participants, those with diets with low glycemic index of dietary carbohydrate did not have improvements in insulin sensitivity, lipid levels, or systolic blood pressure, according to a study.