ADHD associated with unhealthy diet in pregnancy

Children with early-onset conduct problems may be more likely to develop ADHD symptoms if their mother had an unhealthy diet during pregnancy, study finds.

Stress during pregnancy can affect fetal development

Stress hormones in the mother can affect foetal development, according to a study published in the Journal of Physiology.

The health of future generations may be affected by malnutrition during pregnancy

New research reveals how environmental factors in the womb can predispose not only the mother’s own offspring but also the grandoffspring to metabolic disorders like liver disease.

Mother’s voice improves hospitalization and feeding in preemies

Premature babies who receive an interventional therapy combining their mother’s voice and a pacifier-activated music player learn to eat more efficiently and have their feeding tubes removed sooner than other preemies, according to a Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt study published in Pediatrics.

Mother’s Diet Before Pregnancy Can Change Gene Function In Offspring

It has long been known that nutrition during pregnancy affects the well-being of her child, but a new study suggests that what a woman eats before she becomes pregnant might also play a significant role. Published in The FASEB Journal, a study conducted with mice, has found that diet prior to pregnancy chemically alters the mother’s DNA and passes these changes along to their offspring…

For A Potassium Boost And Sports Drink, Try Coconut Water

Coconut water really does deserve its popular reputation as Mother Nature’s own sports drink, a new scientific analysis of the much-hyped natural beverage concluded at the 244th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS)…

Link Between A Child’s Body Fat And Vitamin D Insufficiency In The Mother

Children are more likely to have more body fat during childhood if their mother has low levels of Vitamin D during pregnancy, according to scientists at the Medical Research Council Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit (MRC LEU), University of Southampton…

Low Levels Of Vitamin D In Mothers Associated With Child’s Body Fat

Researchers in the UK have found that children are more likely to have higher levels of body fat during childhood if their mother had insufficient levels of Vitamin D during pregnancy. The study is published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition…

Consuming Salmon Twice A Week Is Healthy For Pregnant Women And Their Babies

University of Granada researchers have proven that eating two servings of salmon reared at a fish farm (enriched with omega-3 fatty acids and only slightly contaminated) a week during pregnancy is beneficial both for the mother and child…

For Heart-Healthy Antioxidants, Walnuts Are Number One

A new scientific study positions walnuts in the No. 1 slot among a family of foods that lay claim to being among Mother Nature’s most nearly perfect packaged foods: Tree and ground nuts…