Vitamin D supplements may reduce asthma severity

A review of randomized controlled studies suggests that vitamin D supplementation, when combined with standard medication, may reduce asthma severity.

Small dietary changes reduces cardiovascular disease risk by more than a quarter

Exchanging few commercially regular-consumed food items with improved fat quality reduces total and LDL cholesterol.

Girls and boys respond differently to a school-based healthy diet intervention in Argentina

A randomized controlled trial conducted with over 400 school-aged children in Argentina showed gender differences in likelihood to adopt healthy lifestyle changes…

Antioxidants do help arteries stay healthy

Long-term supplementation with dietary antioxidants has beneficial effects on sugar and fat metabolism, blood pressure and arterial flexibility in patients with multiple cardiovascular risk factors. Researchers report these positive results in a randomized controlled trial of combined vitamin C, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10 and selenium capsules.