Extra virgin olive oil or olive oil: Which is healthier?

Extra virgin olive oil is an unprocessed, tasty, and healthful alternative to olive oil. It is full of healthy fats and benefits when used in moderation.

Mediterranean diet high in healthy fat does not lead to weight gain, according to randomized trial

Eating a non-calorie restricted Mediterranean diet high in vegetable fats such as olive oil or nuts does not lead to significant weight gain compared to a low-fat diet, according to a large randomized trial. The study suggests that current health guidelines that recommend a low-fat, low-calorie diet create unnecessary fear of healthy fats present in a Mediterranean diet, which have known health benefits.

Cholesterol levels improve with weight loss, healthy fat-rich diet

Weight loss programs that provide healthy fats, such as olive oil in the Mediterranean diet, or a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet have similar impacts on pound-shedding, research shows.