How a dietary change might boost cancer therapy

A study in mice finds that eating less of a particular amino acid that is found in high levels in meat and eggs enhances the effects of cancer treatments.

Seafood rich in omega-3 may promote healthy aging

New research suggests that people who consume high levels of omega-3 fatty acids from seafood are more likely to stay disease-free well into old age.

How do dairy fats influence the risk of type 2 diabetes?

Do high levels of dairy fats increase or lower the risk of type 2 diabetes? A new pooled analysis of 16 international studies aims to provide an answer.

Foods and meal plans for iron deficiency

Anemia occurs when the body lacks red blood cells. A person may have a condition that destroys these cells, or the body may not produce enough.

Type 2 diabetes: Gene discovery could yield new treatments

Researchers have discovered a gene called TNFR5 that overexpresses in response to high levels of fat and sugar, destroying insulin-producing beta cells.

Cardiac complications from energy drinks? Case report adds new evidence

The high levels of caffeine in energy drinks may lead to cardiac complications, suggests a case report in the July/August Journal of Addiction Medicine, the official journal of the American Society…

Higher fish consumption linked to reduced risk of depression

A recent meta-analysis suggests that high levels of fish consumption could lead to a lower risk of depression in both men and women.

Higher fish consumption linked to reduced risk of depression

A recent meta-analysis suggests that high levels of fish consumption could lead to a lower risk of depression in both men and women.

Africans’ ability to digest milk likely due to spread of cattle raising

Babies are born with the ability to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk, but most humans lose this ability after infancy because of declining levels of the lactose-digesting enzyme lactase.

Chocolate, wine and berries may protect against type 2 diabetes

Good news for chocolate and wine lovers. New research suggests that consuming high levels of flavonoids, found in foods such as chocolate, tea, berries and wine, may help protect against type 2 diabetes

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