First comprehensive look at adult-only family meal patterns

Couples and other adult family members living without minors in the house are just as likely as adults living with young children or adolescents to eat family meals at home on most days of the week…

Food Safety Bill Passes In Senate

Reuters: “The Senate passed the largest overhaul of the U.S. food safety system in decades on Tuesday, a response to massive recalls such as last summer’s recall of half a billion eggs in a salmonella outbreak

Food Safety Bill Passes In Senate

Reuters: “The Senate passed the largest overhaul of the U.S. food safety system in decades on Tuesday, a response to massive recalls such as last summer’s recall of half a billion eggs in a salmonella outbreak.

Child Nutrition Bill Stalls In House | Effective Diet & Nutrition

Child Nutrition Bill Stalls In House First Lady Michelle Obama’s Campaign For Healthier School Lunches Has Stalled In Congress After Anti-hunger Groups And.

House Delays Child Nutrition Reauthorization

Last night, the US House of Representatives adjourned without passing Child Nutrition Reauthorization legislation. The School Nutrition Association, a non-profit organization representing school foodservice professionals, expressed disappointment, but called on Congress to use the days before the elections to improve on the legislation…