Late teen years are key period for bone growth

The late adolescent years are an important period for gaining bone mineral, even after a teenager attains his or her adult height.

First comprehensive look at adult-only family meal patterns

Couples and other adult family members living without minors in the house are just as likely as adults living with young children or adolescents to eat family meals at home on most days of the week…

Eating Fish Can Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes

A study analyses the dietary patterns of the adult Spanish population with high cardiovascular risk. The results reveal a high consumption of both red meat and fish

Maternal Nutrition, What Impact Does It Have On Gene Expression?

During intrauterine life and lactation, undernutrition brings about modifications involving DNA, leading to metabolic pathologies at the adult age. Researchers from CNRS, INRA and Inserm have demonstrated for the first time, through an animal-based study, such repercussions at the level of the leptin gene, the hormone that regulates satiety and metabolism…