Feel Full During Weight Loss By Eating 3 Square Meals A Day Paired With Lean Protein

Eating fewer, regular-sized meals with higher amounts of lean protein can make one feel more full than eating smaller, more frequent meals, according to new research from Purdue University…

Protein May Help Dieters Resist Late-Night Munchies

Dieters trying to stick to their diets, may want to look no further than lean protein, according to two studies published in the prestigious journal Obesity1,2. Including protein, such as lean pork, in three daily meals could reduce late-night desires to eat, increase feelings of fullness and decrease distracting thoughts about food, according to the research…

Protein May Help Dieters Resist Late-Night Munchies

Dieters trying to stick to their diets, may want to look no further than lean protein, according to two studies published in the prestigious journal Obesity1,2. Including protein, such as lean pork, in three daily meals could reduce late-night desires to eat, increase feelings of fullness and decrease distracting thoughts about food, according to the research…