Millions of people with metabolic syndrome may need more vitamin E

New research has shown that people with metabolic syndrome need significantly more vitamin E – which could be a serious public health concern, in light of the millions of people who have this…

Vitamin D Supports Lung Function As Well As Bone Health

Maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D can help people breathe better and may even protect against tuberculosis (TB), according to a recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM). The study of more than 10,000 Korean adults found that lung function improved when people had absorbed more vitamin D into their bodies…

Eggstra Special! New Analysis Shows More Vitamin D And Fewer Calories In Today’s Eggs

Official new data shows that today’s eggs contain more than 70% more vitamin D and double the amount of selenium than when previous analyses were carried out 30 years ago. Today’s eggs also contain around 20% less fat, more than 20% less saturated fat, around 13% fewer calories and more than 10% less cholesterol than previous surveys suggested…

Eating foods rich in vitamin E associated with lower dementia risk

Consuming more vitamin E through the diet appears to be associated with a lower risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new study.