Research finds cranberries are an effective approach to help reduce antibiotic use

Global experts at the International Conference on Polyphenols and Health discussed how cranberries may be a nutritional approach to reduce antibiotic use and support whole-body health.

In very ill, probiotics don’t prevent ‘superbugs’ from colonizing intestinal tract

Compared with routine medical care, probiotics administered to critically ill patients in intensive care units showed no benefit in preventing the colonization of drug-resistant microbes in the…

TGen led study points towards new strategies for stopping the spread of Staph and MRSA

Twin study suggests that bacteria of the human nose are not genetically predetermined and that some nasal bacteria may protect against MRSAStaphylococcus aureus — better known as Staph — is a…

Antibiotic-resistant strains of salmonella tracked from farm to fork

Continuing research on Salmonella may enable researchers to identify and track strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria as they evolve and spread, according to researchers in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences…

Fighting Food-Poisoning Bacteria With Leaves Of Carob Tree

Leaves of the plant that yields carob – the substitute for chocolate that some consider healthier than chocolate – are a rich source of antibacterial substances ideal for fighting the microbe responsible for listeriosis, a serious form of food poisoning, according to a report in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry…