Study suggests a little wine may be good for your kidneys

Moderate wine consumption could help keep the kidneys healthy, and may protect the heart in patients who already have kidney disease, according to new findings presented here at the National Kidney…

Vegetarianism can reduce risk of heart disease by up to a third

The risk of hospitalization or death from heart disease is 32 percent lower in vegetarians than people who eat meat and fish, according to a new study. Heart disease is the single largest cause of death in developed countries, and is responsible for 65,000 deaths each year in the UK alone. The new findings suggest that a vegetarian diet could significantly reduce people’s risk of heart disease.

Blood Pressure Lowered In Healthy Adults By Low Calorie Cranberry Juice

Regularly drinking low-calorie cranberry juice may help get your blood pressure under control, according to new findings presented at the American Heart Association’s High Blood Pressure Research 2012 Scientific Sessions…

Hope For Anti-Aging Pill Restored As Controversy On Life-Extending Red Wine Ingredient Resolved

A study in the May issue of the Cell Press journal Cell Metabolism appears to offer vindication for an approach to anti-aging drugs that has been at the center of heated scientific debate in recent years. The new findings show for the first time that the metabolic benefits of the red wine ingredient known as resveratrol evaporate in mice that lack the famed longevity gene SIRT1…

Teen Diets Should Include More Fiber, But Not Necessarily Less Fat

A diet high in fiber – but not necessarily one low in saturated fat or cholesterol – is tied to a lower risk of heart disease and type-2 diabetes in teenagers, according to new findings from Michigan State University…

Cherry Juice Gives A Good Nights’ Sleep

Drinking cherry juice significantly improves both the quality and duration of sleep, according to new findings from Northumbria University…