How fasting helps fight fatty liver disease

Scientists at Helmholtz Zentrum München have new information on what happens at the molecular level when we go hungry.

Researchers discover new enzyme, link to iron in vitamin A synthesis

A research team’s discovery of new information about how plants synthesize carotenoids, precursors for vitamin A that are essential for plant development and survival, and human health, could help…

Health of kidney disease patients: Diet and blood pressure

Three studies provide new information on diet and blood pressure in kidney disease patients: adding fruits and vegetables to the diet improves kidney disease patients’ health; poor nutrition plays a role in the link between poverty and kidney disease; and among kidney disease patients, Blacks are more likely to have uncontrolled blood pressure than Whites, the research finds.

How Does Diet Affect Brain Function?

The biological processes of the brain may play a role in serious public health issues, including diabetes, obesity, binge eating, and the temptation of high-calorie meals. The finding came from studies that were unveiled today at Neuroscience 2012, the yearly meeting of the Society for Neuroscience and the world’s greatest source of new information regarding neurology and well-being…