About one-third of mild-to-moderate Parkinson’s disease patients are at risk from malnutrition

Patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) can experience difficulties with food preparation and ingestion, which could contribute to poor nutrition and place them at risk for malnourishment.

New pediatric nutrition screening tool

Pediatric inpatients with poor nutrition are at greater risk for problems with their immune systems, physical and cognitive development, and clinical outcomes.

Health of kidney disease patients: Diet and blood pressure

Three studies provide new information on diet and blood pressure in kidney disease patients: adding fruits and vegetables to the diet improves kidney disease patients’ health; poor nutrition plays a role in the link between poverty and kidney disease; and among kidney disease patients, Blacks are more likely to have uncontrolled blood pressure than Whites, the research finds.

Healthy Food Tips For Back-to-School Success

While parents prepare to send their children back to school, they need to remember that nutrition plays a huge role in academic success. Mary Pat Alfaro, M.S., R.D., clinical manager in the Division of Nutrition Therapy at Cincinnati Children’s, says multiple studies have shown that poor nutrition adversely effects school performance and overall achievement…

Trauma In Childhood Could Contribute To Obesity In Adults

Scientific studies often attribute obesity to poor nutrition and lack of activity, but recent research has identified childhood traumatic stress as a potential risk factor for obesity in adulthood. The research, published in the Journal of Traumatic Stress, included 148 adult women. Eric A.

Trauma In Childhood Could Contribute To Obesity In Adults

Scientific studies often attribute obesity to poor nutrition and lack of activity, but recent research has identified childhood traumatic stress as a potential risk factor for obesity in adulthood. The research, published in the Journal of Traumatic Stress, included 148 adult women

Low Birth Weight May Cause Lifelong Problems Processing Medications

New research has found that a mother’s poor nutrition during pregnancy and nursing can cause problems for her offspring’s ability to process medications, even well into adulthood…