Peanut allergy: Six genes found that drive allergic reaction

New study identifies key genes, biological mechanisms, and cell types that are active in a peanut allergy response and might offer targets for treatment.

High-fiber diet alters gut bacteria to protect against food allergy

A high-fiber diet rich in vitamin A may lower the risk of food allergy, suggest researchers who found that it protected against peanut allergy in mice.

Avoiding peanut after building tolerance is safe for children

Children who were at risk of peanut allergy but who built up tolerance over 5 years can safely stop eating peanut for a year without losing tolerance.

Improved Peanut Allergy Diagnosis

Researchers from the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute and the University of Melbourne have identified a new way to accurately test for peanut allergy. It is hoped the test will be more cost effective and convenient than standard approaches and minimise over-diagnosis of peanut allergy in the community…