Fresh fruit may prevent diabetes and related complications

A new study examines the effects of eating fresh fruit among people with and without diabetes.

What vitamins, nutrients will help prevent glaucoma from worsening?

A healthy lifestyle, consisting of balanced nutrition, moderate exercise, and appropriate rest is an important part of your overall health and well-being and can help prevent illness too. A recent study specifically suggests that diet that includes plenty of green, leafy vegetables may lower the risk of glaucoma.

High-fiber diet alters gut bacteria to protect against food allergy

A high-fiber diet rich in vitamin A may lower the risk of food allergy, suggest researchers who found that it protected against peanut allergy in mice.

Coffee drinking habits may influence risk of mild cognitive impairment

Increasing coffee consumption over time to more than one cup daily may raise the risk of mild cognitive impairment, while reducing it may lower risk, according to new research.

Plant-based diet may reduce obese children’s risk of heart disease

Obese children who begin a low-fat, plant-based vegan diet may lower their risk of heart disease through improvements in their weight, blood pressure, body mass index, cholesterol levels, insulin sensitivity, and high-sensitivity C-reactive, according to new research.

Supplement may prevent heart disease in people with low birth weight

Study finds supplemental co-enzyme Q (CoQ) may lower the risk of heart disease in people whose risk is higher because of lower birth weight and rapid postnatal growth.

Liver Cancer Risk May Be Reduced By Vitamin E

High consumption of vitamin E either from diet or vitamin supplements may lower the risk of liver cancer, according to a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Liver cancer is the third most common cause of cancer mortality in the world, the fifth most common cancer found in men and the seventh most common in women…

Beware Of Dietary Supplements For Cancer Prevention

Government regulators and the scientific community should work to ensure that they give clear guidance to the public about dietary supplements and cancer risk, according to a commentary published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Evidence from animal, in vitro and observational studies has suggested that taking dietary supplements may lower cancer risk…

Drink Wine To Beat Dementia Risk, But Find The Balance Study Reports

For over thirty years research has been done and much debate has carried on about the benefits or risks associated with drinking alcohol and wine in particular. After an analysis of research since 1977, it has been determined that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol, especially wine, may lower the risk of dementia which often leads to severe Alzheimer’s Disease…